Saturday, March 8, 2008


The reality of leaving home and family is really starting to set in.....

I have notified most of my family and friends of getting hired. Everyone is very excited for me.
I guess I'm really starting to think about being so far away from everyone that I am already starting to get homesick. I think the reason its finally setting in is becasue I only have 4 more days of full time work, and 5 more days of the airport. I want to spend as much time as possible with family before I leave so my goal is to start packing on Tuesday. The faster I get everything packed and ready to go, the more time I will have to spend with family and friends.

Well, the best thing I can do is get through today and tomorrow working all these hours, rest on Monday and get to it. After that just take one day at a time. I wish I could write down everything thats going through my mind at this point, but it would be a jumbled ramble that wouldn't make sense. I'm confident that by the end of the week everything will be alright.

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